Tuttle, Wayne
Wayne Tuttle attended Radio and Television Arts at Confederation College from 1973 – 75
Over the past 40 years I’ve had an amazing life and career. Although I wasn’t able to secure a paying position in the radio or television industry, ironically I have written, produced and appeared on numerous radio and T.V programs. My career has been varied in nature to say the least; I have worked for a number of major corporations such as the Toronto Stock Exchange, Merrill Lynch, Childrens Aid Society, Rogers Cable, ADT Canada, City of Kitchener,MIWA Enterprises (owner) and A Couple of Tuttle’s (owner). I have held positions ranging from Communications Supervisor to President CEO.
After leaving Thunder Bay in 1975, I noticed a significant change in my vision. By the end of 1976 I was legally blind diagnosed with Retinitis Pigementosa and Macular Degeneration. I met my first wife during this time and remained married until 1984 when she no longer could deal with my loss of independence. In 1986 I met my soul mate and best friend while visiting my family in Midland Ontario. When I met Tina, she thought I was totally blind and she had no issues with adapting to my vision loss. As of 2015, we will be celebrating 27 years of marriage. We have 2 wonderful teenagers who have made my life totally fulfilling.
In 1990 some of my independence was restored when I received my first Guide Dog, ‘Paser’. My new found freedom took me to new heights and life experiences. My second Guide Dog, ‘Cosmo’, came into my life in 2002. Due to Cosmos age she will be retired shortly as I await my third Guide Dog.
My blindness has never stopped me from chasing my hopes and dreams. From learning to fly a 4 seater Cessna airplane *(minus take off/landings), to teaching my wife Tina how to ride a motorcycle, I always think of how I CAN do things in life rather than how I CAN’T do things.
Many years ago I became a motivational speaker and presenter for a number of Non-profit organizations. These presentations has lead me to written government accessibility legislation to teaching corporations how to hire people with disabilities. I remain dedicated to making a difference for people with disabilities around the world. My dedication and passion has allowed me to share my message with thousands of people. It has also lead me to become involved as a volunteer and serving as a board member with several non-profit organizations.
My hobbies/interests include: Titanic historian/collector, Musician, Bass drummer for the Niagara Militaires Drum Corp, Camel collector, volunteer, model railroader and avid writer.
I remember a great quote I heard from the late Joan Rivers. “Never regret the things you have NOT done in life, only regret the things you HAVE NOT done in life” My past 40 years has been like a roller coaster with many ups and downs. Despite this, I wouldn’t change it for the world. Since retiring in 2013, I now look forward to my next 40 years.
Lastly, I would like to say a special thank you to Cheryl Skakun and to the rest of my class-mates from the class of 1973-75. You were a big part of my life during this time and you helped me shape the direction of my future.
You ARE the voice of Confederation College!